


    When a student is absent from school, a telephone call to the office the morning of the absence is appreciated or you may leave a message during non-business hours by calling 606-4700, #2..  If you have not called to report your child’s absence, a note must be brought home stating the reason for the absence.  All absences must be CLEARED WITHIN 3 DAYS of the absence.  Please include the following information when leaving a message or in the absence note:

    Name of student

    Date(s) of absence

    Reason for absence

    Teacher’s name

    Parent or Guradian name leaving message (signature if NOTE)

    Please make every effort to schedule medical/dental appointments, etc. during non-school hours.  Your child needs to attend school every day in order to gain all possible opportunities for learning.


    An Independent Study program is available for planned absences for travel, etc., for five to ten days.  Please contact your child’s teacher and the school office personnel two weeks in advance of the planned absence so that the Independent Study plan may be developed.


    Children coming late for school must check in at the office before going to class. It is very important for students to arrive at school on time. Classroom activities begin immediately and a late student not only disrupts the class, but also loses out on valuable instructional time. 天美影视s being picked up during the school day must be signed out through the office. 天美影视s will not be released to people other than those appearing on the 天美影视 Emergency Card.


    LVJUSD Illness Exclusion Protocol 

    Please keep your child home if he/she has any of the following:

    • A fever of 100 degrees or higher within the past 24 hours
    • A runny nose when mucous is thick and green or yellow when accompanied by a fever
    • A rash of unknown origin or contagious rash requires a certificate from a physician stating that a student may return to school
    • Diarrhea
    • Vomiting within the previous 24 hours (Alameda County Public Health)
    • Severe headache
    • Conjunctivitis- red, irritated or burning eyes with watery or mucous thickened drainage 

    Livermore Valley 天美影视 Unified School 天美影视 has a no lice policy. Please keep your child home until no live lice are detected. 天美影视s must be cleared through the office prior to returning to class after being treated for lice.


    Please click here for Illness Exclusion Protocol 

  • Attendance Matters

    Our goal is to ensure that every student attends school regularly. Showing up for school has a huge impact on a student’s academic success, starting in kindergarten and continuing through high school. Even as children grow older and more independent, families play a key role in making sure students get to school safely every day and that they understand why attendance is so important for success in school and in life.

    We realize some absences are unavoidable due to illness. Absences for illness and medical appointments are considered excused as long as the school receives a note and/or phone call from the student’s parent/guardian clearing the absence within 72 hours of the occurrence. Failure to excuse the absence results in a recorded truancy on your student’s permanent record.

    We strongly encourage that families plan vacations on scheduled school breaks. Please refer to our calendar for reference.

    Supporting Attendance

    The district shall abide by all State attendance laws and use any legal means to correct the problems of excessive absence or truancy. The responsibility for school attendance must be shared by the Board, students, parents/guardians, teachers, and school administrators. The Board recognizes its responsibility under the law to ensure that students attend school on a regular basis.

    Our district invests in Child Welfare and Attendance staff who support families at schools and throughout the 天美影视. We encourage families to contact their children's school whenever they have questions about attendance or would like support.