Phone: (925) 606-4706 ex. 7004


Degrees and Certifications:

BA in Spanish, UC Davis Teaching Credential, UC Davis Masters of Education, UC Davis

Miss Kristina Wooten

     Welcome to first grade!  I look forward to being your child's teacher.  First grade is a huge transition year.  You will see your child make huge strides in reading, writing, and math, as well as in their social interactions with their peers.  Of course this can only happen with your support.  Let's make this a wonderful year! 

     i have been teaching in the Livermore School 天美影视 for sixteen years, the past thirteen of which have been at Croce Elementary.  All of those years have been in first grade.  I grew up in Livermore and went through the Livermore school district and am thrilled to be teaching in the same district I went to.  I look forward to each day in the classroom and feel very fortunate to be a teacher.  

     I am excited about this coming school year, and look forward to working with all of you to help your children become life long learners.